by Cynthia Rylant
Book Report
In May, Henry and his friend are playing kickball. Henry remember today is Mother's day. Then Henry hurry call Mudge with him go to find his father. Henry' s father was making a grocery list. Henry tell his father today is Mother's day let's make lunch for mom. Henry's dad made a pineapple sofa. Then Henry and mudge and Herny's father go to shopping . They buy thing for make pineapple sofa. Mudge sniffed the cocoa chew and fishy flakes. The baby gave Mudge a sucker and grandmas rubbed his head. When they are done shopping ,they ready go home make pineapple sofa. Henry and his father made an apple father, apple mother, a plum boy and a kiwing dog. And then they look every thing is good, they gave the pineapple sofa to Henry's mother. Henry said happy Mother 's day to his mother. Henry's mother was very happy ,She gave every one a kiss. Henry's mother look at the pineapple sofa was very good, she very want to eat. Henry and his father think what will they do on next Mother's day.