Stanley' s Christmas Adventure
by Jeff Brown
Book Report
Stanley writes a litter to Santa, Santa' s daughter says the litter, and she reads, so she want Stanley can help her. Santa's daughter' s name is Sarah, Sarah comes from chimney! Stanley and his brother think Sarah is a burglar, but when Sarah talks with them, Stanley and his brother know Sarah doesn't a burglar. Stanley talks with his mom and dad, and Stanley tells them Sarah are coming to their house. His mom and dad give a delicious cookies. Sarah tells them Santa did not believe this world has good children, and he dozen' t want to give the presents for the children. When Stanley's family know, they want to help Sarah. Sarah calls the reindeer to pick them to the Sarah call the reindeer' s name just numbers, so they say why did reindeer' s name just numbers, no Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen... But Sarah doesn' t know, so she rename the reindeer. When they come to the snow city, in Santa' s home, they say Santa are eating! Eat cookies, potato chips, and strawberry soda! They don' t believe their eyes! They tells Santa why don't give the presents to the children? Santa just tells them, they are very greedy. When Santa see the letters , he is believe them again.